Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE)
How we do our work at FoxCanada is as important as what we do. This is why QHSE resides at the centre of our business model. QHSE refers to the four components of our responsible corporate management approach.
The degree of excellence in all we do is our measure of Quality. Our enduring goal is to continually improve, streamline operations and reduce costs to ensure customer expectations are met. Committing to the highest standards in Quality, FoxCanada formalized its Quality Management System as an ISO9001:2015 certified company. The company's Quality Management System and associated initiatives are supported by its dedicated Quality Management Committee.

The workplace is an important setting for health protection and health promotion. FoxCanada actively promotes health management to foster a healthy work environment. Healthy behaviours are reinforced through a variety of company supported resources, awareness sessions, training, and guidance.

FoxCanada employs a variety of sustainable solutions to protect the environment and minimize its environmental footprint. From recycling through to energy conservation initiatives, the company continues to leverage sustainable technologies that are good for the environment.
FoxCanada has a key role in preventing workplace accidents, injuries and promoting a safe and healthy workplace. The company ensures employees have the necessary information, training, and supervision to perform their work safely while working within the guidelines set out in the company's Health and Safety program. The program and associated initiatives are supported by a dedicated Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committee. The company is COR certified through its certifying partner, the Alberta Construction Safety Association. FoxCanada is a subscribing member to ISN and Comply Works.